August Retrospective
Friday, August 31, 2007
August Mosaic, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
Ok, it's taken until August for this Project 365 to become difficult to do. I think I'm still seeing the world a little differently than I did before this project started, but I have not been consistent with posting photos, and that's been frustrating. It's been difficult to focus on writing as much as I have been AND focus on photo taking. But that is the wonder of this project. If this were easy, then everyone would do it. But it's not easy . . . especially some months into it all. I know that through the struggle to keep with it, something interesting, something unexpected will come from these photos, from the photos I take and the photos that you take. Now that there is a strain to this project, something exciting will happen. I can't wait.
@ 2:06 PM
I love the photos you've taken this month. The shapes, the colors, the patterns... you have a fine eye. You make me long for a better camera.
It's good to stick to it and expect a surprising reward, isn't it?
You've done a great job sticking to this project. You're one of my photo role models!
I am feeling the same things from August and now the beginning of a new month.
But I will press on. Good thoughts, to expect the unexpected rewards.
Oh, and I think your August photos are great, despite the struggles.
I totally agree with you that this is the month where everything ground to a crawl. I think once I got so overwhelmed that I couldn't maintain posting each day, everything became much harder. My goal for September is to get back to trying to post a picture at the end of each day, instead of 4-6 at a time.
If only my not-my-best photos were anywhere near as good as your not-your-best photos. ;)
I keep thinking of when Scrivener posted his shower curtain in Feb. We really all should have saved those for August after all. :)
Maybe someone can start a photo meme so we can have some things to look for as we shoot.
You have a great eye and I enjoy whatever you post. Hope the dissertation is coming along swimmingly.