Project 365, 2007: February Retrospective
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
In looking at this month's images, I'm surprised by the diversity of images I see. The symbols (or metaphors) of comfort, they surprise me too. I wasn't consciously thinking about comfort or even the need for comfort, but comfort is something I need and this need is something that I will not forget about February 2007. I took more photos of people than I expected, and the colors red/orange predominate in a good number of the images this month. Above alll, what I see in this retrospective is my desire to focus on one object instead of many at one moment. This reflects my life, I think.
I wonder how much of my waking life seeps into the photos I take. I take pictures of things I find interesting at any given moment, but I wonder if what I'm finding interesting is reflective of how I'm feeling, of what I'm experiencing. I believe there is a strong connection. There must be.
Lastly, this is only the 2nd retrospective of a year-long project, but I'm already becoming attached to the work and attached to each of you (you other Project 365ers). You challenge me to take better photographs, to see the world differently, to see myself differently. I'm appreciating that more and more each day. But what I like most . . . and I don't know that this will change through the year . . . is that I now am allowed to see the world as YOU see the world. Your perspective is often very different than mine, and from your vantage point, from your perspective, I'm learning so very much.
59/365: Red and Beige Lap Blanket
Red and Beige Lap Blanket, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
Wednesday morning, very early: I'm cold, tired, and using a Lensbaby and available lamplight.
58/365: Sunset, West Fort Worth
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunset, West Fort Worth, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
I took this picture this evening as I was leaving the hospital, looking west from downtown. I parked on the top floor of the hospital's parking garage so I could take some unobstructed pictures of the city (a few more shots on Flickr). Just a few seconds after I took this picture, the police arrived and asked me to stop taking photos and to leave the top story of the parking tower. The parking garage is private property, they said, and they can't allow anyone who might be engaged in terrorist activities to take photos from up there. Ok, then. At least I got the shot.
57/365: Waiting Again
Monday, February 26, 2007
Waiting Again, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
56/365: Fat Tire: Belgium Ale
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Fat Tire: Belgium Ale, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
I always called it "flat tire" and wondered by bartenders laughed at me.
55/365: Baby Girl at Basketball Game
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Baby Girl, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
54/365: Wilson's Long-lost Cousin, BB
Friday, February 23, 2007
After I visited my mother in the hospital, I went in search of who she was . . . hoping to find a part of myself. I went to her childhood neighborhood and took a lot of photographs of dwellings, or the shells of dwellings, as I don't know exactly where she lived. I also took pictures of found objects, like this long-forgotten basketball. I'm remembering the ring I found a few days ago, the symbol of the found. There were things of value in this space, but one had to search for them because of the neglect and the urban decay. I wondered about the basketball, who owned it and what kinds of dreams this person thought the basketball would bring. I also wondered: how did I get where I am from where she was. For more images, see the pics on Flickr.
53/365: Remnants in a Fountain
Thursday, February 22, 2007
52/365: Pets at the Window
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Pets at the Window, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
How can I not love these creatures? As I left for work this morning, they watched out the living room window.
51/365: Pixie and Ginger
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Pixie and Ginger, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
50/365: Lost then Found Ring
Monday, February 19, 2007
Lost then Found Ring, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
This morning I found this man's ring next to the dumpster. Perhaps it was lost. Perhaps it was thrown away. Perhaps it accidentally slipped off a finger. I don't know how it ended up where it was. However, I picked it up and wore it all day and thought about how to return it to its rightful owner. I don't know who owned it, what kind of connection he had with its giver, whether that connection is still intact or severed, whether it brought good memories or sad, whether the ring has any value (monetary or sentimental). But I wore it and thought about connections in my own life, about senimental value, about severed or intact relationships, about the lost then found. I wonder about the lost people of this world . . . lost from family, friends, faith. If nothing else, this ring is a symbol of the found.
49/365: Star Chairs and Baby Shower Blouses
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Star Chairs and Baby Shower Blouses, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
My niece had her baby shower at a bar-b-que restaurant today and there were chairs with the requisite Texas Star cut into them. The chairs weren't all that interesting, but I did enjoy looking at the colors of women's blouses through those stars. Oh, and a shout-out to the really cool teenagers behind the counter who were interested in Project 365: Start your own photoblog and join in the fun!
48/365: Baseball Player
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Baseball Player -- Stealth, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
47/365: As she turns . . .
Friday, February 16, 2007
Candid Portrait (Black and White), originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
46/365: Newly Sharpened
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Newly Sharpened, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
45/365: Corona "Extra"
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
44/365 (a): No Profanity
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
How I spent my afternoon, at the impound lot.
44/365 (b): Downtown Fort Worth
Downtown Fort Worth, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
43/365: Flaming Fajitas
Monday, February 12, 2007
Flaming Fajitas, originally uploaded by PartsnPieces.
Chicken (left) and Beef (right): Dinner at La Familia with Julie
42/365: Meet (the) Cody
Sunday, February 11, 2007
41/365: Is It a Fairy Tale?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
40/365: At the End of (My) Rope
Friday, February 9, 2007
39/365: Stephen King's "It"
Thursday, February 8, 2007
38/365: Hiding Under the Feathers
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

~~taking care of myself 101~~
37/365: Abe Lincoln
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

36/365: Time, I Always Want More
Monday, February 5, 2007
35/365 (b): Shower Curtain (meme)
Sunday, February 4, 2007

curtain today. As Scrivener said, why wait until August. Jo(e) and Scrivener
posted their pics, too. It's the shower curtain meme!
35/365 (a): Thinking about . . . .
34/365: At the Basketball Game
Saturday, February 3, 2007

33/365: Lamp Post on Friday Night
Friday, February 2, 2007
32/365: Recreation Center (Sofa) Upholstry
Thursday, February 1, 2007